法律翻译中的“all”或“any”及“any and all”|译文|本票|条文|贷款人

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法律翻译中的“all”或“any”及“any and all”|译文|本票|条文|贷款人
发布日期:2025-01-04 10:17    点击次数:161
在法律英语中,如英语法律条文,经常出“all”或者“any”表达统括的意思,而汉字中的“凡”也是一个“统括之词”,所以,当遇到“all”或者“any”,通常译为“凡”。也有一些译者偏向使用“任何”或“所有”来表达“统括之意”,具体可参考如下示例,比较译文1和译文2的使用效果。如:The borrower shall not do or cause or suffer anything to be done whereby the lender's interest may be prejudiced.译文1:借款人不得作出或促使或容许任何事情发生借以使贷款人的利益可能受损。译文2:凡可导致贷款人的利益受损的事情,借款人均不得作出或促使或容许其发生。The preliminary deposit in respect of Units sold only to private purchasers referred to in condition (v) below shall be paid by cashier order and shall be dealt with as in condition(n) above as for public purchasers.译文1:有关下述条件(v) 所指的只售予内部购买人单位的初步订金须以银行本票支付,并按照上述条件(n) 中处理公众购买人的方式处理。译文2:凡属下述条件 (v) 所指仅供内部认购的单位,其初步订金须以银行本票支付,并按照上述条件(n) 适用于公开发售的方式处理。any和all除单独使用外,还常以“any and all”的并列形式出现,而考虑到法律文件的严谨性,通常译为“任何及所有”、“任何及全部”等。尽管汉语中“任何”包括了“全部”或“所有”,但在翻译时还是保留两个词的情况居多。To co-ordinate the administration, policies, management, supervision, control, research, planning, trading and any and all other activities of any company or companies now or hereafter incorporated or acquired which may be or may become a company, wherever incorporated, which is or becomes a holding company or a subsidiary of, or affiliated with, the Company within the meanings respectively assigned to those terms in The Companies Act 1981 or, with the prior written approval of the Minister of Finance, any company or companies now or hereafter incorporated or acquired with which the Company may be or may become associated.协调任何无论于何处注册成立的任何一间或多间公司的行政、政策、管理、监督、控制、研究、规划、贸易及任何及所有其他活动,而该公司为或可能成为一间公司或本公司的一间控股公司或附属公司或联属公司(定义分别为一九八一年公司法条款赋予的涵义),或现时或其后注册成立或收购的任何一间或多间公司或经财政部部长事先书面同意,本公司可能有或有联系的现时或其后注册成立或收购的任何一间或多间公司。The Government shall not in any circumstances or in any way be liable to any person (including any individual, body corporate or unincorporate) for any and all losses, damages and costs whether direct or indirect, special or consequential arising out of or in connection with the use of or reliance upon any of the Drug Information.对于因使用或依据药物资料所引致或与使用该等资料有关的任何及全部(不论是直接或间接、特殊或相应的)损失、损害和费用,政府在任何情况下,不论以任何方式,概不对任何人士(包括任何属法团或不属法团的个别人士)负责。也有只保留“任何”或“所有”二者之一的情况,如:“Claims” shall mean any and all actions, suits, claims, rights, demands, assertions, allegations, causes of action, controversies, proceedings, losses, damages, injuries, attorneys’ fees, costs, expenses, debts, liabilities, judgments, or remedies (whether equitable or legal).“索赔”是指所有诉讼、起诉、权利主张、权利、要求、主张、指控、诉因、争议、诉讼程序、损失、损害、损伤、律师费、开销、费用、债务、责任、判决或赔偿(无论基于平衡法还是普通法)。参考《专利文献的英汉翻译》来源:译问